Seeing What is Real

A Dhamma Talk


How to overcome reactivity 
and work for peace


The Three Degrees 
of Seclusion 
to Cultivate

Body Awareness 

Paying attention 
to posture and activity

The Power 
of Now

The Bhaddekaratta Suttas


Investigating Materiality

the Sangha

The Blessed One's disciples 
who have practised well

Selfless Service 
and Stream Entry

Teachings from Thailand 

the Dhamma

Taking Truth as Refuge

The Real 
and the Unreal

Overcoming distorted views 
to discern the truth

the Buddha

Recognising the Buddha 
opening to liberation

Understanding Injustice

How we get to heal 
the suffering in this world

Keeping Cool 
with Equanimity

The value of upekkha,


The concept of time 
in the Buddha's Teachings

Travelling Light

How to avoid 

How to Avoid 

The teachings of the Buddha 
in MN 139 + 13


How every Eightfold Path factor supports ahimsa 

Every Step 
has the Flavour 
of Freedom

All the ways 
freedom manifests 
on the Path of Practice

The Source of Suffering
The Good News

The Buddha's exquisite 
'handful of leaves'.

Avoiding Extremes

Applying the Middle Way 
to all aspects of life

Making Peace

Cultivating equanimity 
as wise response

God in Buddhism

The understanding of 
God in the 
Buddha's teachings

The Gift of Giving

How to open wide to generosity 
to free the heart 
from suffering

The Four Nutriments

How to understand 
and relate to 
the things that sustain us

Investigating Desire

The four fuels that keep us burning 
and how with insight 
they can be extinguished

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Body Awareness 
as Refuge

The benefits of embodied awareness

Going Forth

Going Forth into the homeless life 
and acceptance into the 
Buddhist monastic community.

The Pure 
Incomparable Emptiness

How did the Buddha meditate?

The Gradual Path

The Buddha laid out the entire path from wherever we are 
to Nibbana
clear and direct for all

The Essence 
of the Practice

How to avoid settling 
for anything less 
than the essential 
goal of the practice

In Sickness and 
In Death

Exploring the way to relate 
to these afflictions 
with grace
 for liberation

What Is Truth?

How can we discern and align 
with reality?

 Canki Sutta MN 95 

Turning the Wheel 
of Dhamma

How to set into motion 
and sustain Dhamma practice, 
leading to liberation from 
all the causes of suffering

Making Peace

How do we support peace and safety 
in a turbulent world ?

The Wise Gatekeeper

How to prioritise and maintain mindfulness 
at all times 
in all situations


How to be free from the unwholesome, evolve into the wholesome 
to let go of all the ties that bind us


How to relate skilfully 
to personal experience

Contemplating Fire

Exploring the Buddha's 
similes and teachings 
on fire

The Way of Joy

How happiness springs from letting go

The Power of Love

The benefits of cultivating 
loving kindness

The Good News, 
the Bad News 
the Truly Great News

How to make sense of this world 
and to blossom here


The Buddha's simile 
in Samyutta Nikaya 22.54
Seeds of consciousness 
planted in the earth of form
watered by desire 

Laying Down the Burden

What is this burden? 
How did it get here? 
Who is carrying it?
. . . 
How to put it down

From the 
Madding Crowd

How to practice the Buddha's teachings on solitude and seclusion

Poisonous Privilege

Teachings from the Buddha 
on the deathly danger 
of praise
honour and renown

Four Oceans of Tears

Four powerful images 
offered by the Buddha 

to demonstrate 
the beginningless and 
endless nature of samsara  

Patience is a Virtue

The noble virtue of patience
like a bridge 
over troubled waters

Simplicity in Diversity

How we experience the world 
and how the possibility of letting go of suffering exists for us 
in each mindful moment 

With reference to Samyutta Nikaya 14.7

The four foods
and how to relate to them

A careful look at this powerful teaching of the Buddha, A Child's Flesh

Samyutta Nikaya SN12.63.

Why Are We Here?

A teaching on Intentionality 
and the underlying causes of suffering

A Conversation 
about Samadhi

Sharing experience of Samadhi practice 
with fellow samanas, 
Ayya Sudhasso and Ayya Khemavamsi

The Many Forms 
of Conceit

A conversation on Mána 
with Ayya Khemavamsi Bhikkhuni

Simplicity and Renunciation

with Bhante Suddhaso

Being the Buddha Seeing the Dhamma

40 minute guided meditation 
followed by a Dhamma talk 
on The Four Noble truths

Cultivating Well Being on the Path

A mostly silent 40 minute meditation session with Dhamma talk ​ ​ 

Opening the heart to all experience, with kindness

Opening to the Timeless Dhamma

40 minute guided meditation, and Dhamma talk, 
Investigating the Five Khandhas, 
'five heaps', 
that constitute the world of experience.

Investigating the Buddha's Teachings on Mind Seeing Mind

On the Cittanupassana section of Satipatthana Sutta

Turning the Wheel of Dhamma

Exploring Dependent Co-Arising ​ How to relate to feelings in order to experience freedom from suffering

Investigating Feelings

Guided and silent meditation 
for 40 mins, 
followed by Dhamma talk 
on Vedananupassana, 
developing insight into feelings

The Cycle of 
Life and Death

The Buddha's encouragement 
to contemplate the cycle 
of birth and death 
in all its aspects.

Investigating the Body

Guided meditation and talk on the 31 body parts contemplation, for the development of dispassion


in all postures and activities

Wise Attention

Working with afflictive emotions 


the Source 
of Suffering

Letting Go

of imagination and mental proliferation

How to Recognize

the Foolish 
and the Wise 
Balapandita Sutta 

Making Peace

Donations towards Ayya's requisites 

of food, shelter, medicine and travel 

gratefully received


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