. . . So here we are. We have this body. We have this mind.


We have six senses and we are noticing how some experiences bring up a sense of wanting, “Pleasant. I want it. I want more.” We can notice how experiences that give a feeling that is unpleasant for us, very quickly we want to incline away from that experience.


So we are reacting all the time to our experiences. And so the opportunity then is there for us to see what’s happening, to feel out what’s happening and to be willing to step towards emptiness. To let go of that relationship, to observe it - to see where there’s suffering and to allow that suffering to resolve, to be released. Through mindfulness, through awareness.


And let’s notice when we’ve managed to let go of even a small degree of suffering.


How does that feel?


There is an absence. There’s a space that opens up. There’s a resting. There’s something you could call peace or stillness.


Appreciate that emptiness. This is the movement toward nibbana.


And we can have a lot of experiences of, tastes of emptiness, tastes of nibbana along the way. Good to notice them. Good to recognise how it was and how it is now. To see progress on the Path.


Beause this encourages us to keep going. This gives us confidence doesn’t it? It gives us great faith in this practice. It’s an unmistakeable experience, this experience of letting go of suffering.

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